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Horton and "Little Horton" :)

We went to see this movie last night. I don't remember the last time I saw a movie on opening day. It was fun, and not nearly as crowded as I thought. I HIGHLY recommend seeing it, by the way. The creativity is amazing.
All that to say this: Even though we loved the movie, our real treat came as we were walking back to our car after the movie. A little boy (maybe four years old) walking in front of us picked a daisy from a flowerbed, held it close to his mouth, and started screaming at the flower: "WHO!" "HELLO!" "WHO WHO!" It was sooooo adorable. We were cracking up. That made my day. I'm sure he was absolutely convinced there was a little world in that flower :)


Samantha said…
I'm sure there was! :)

(And, as a plug for Kohl's, I got Noah a Horton stuffed animal and "Horton Hatches the Egg", in hard-cover, for $5 each!!)
Debbie said…
I can't wait to see that movie! It looks adorable. I'm thinking I might have to pull a flower afterwards too and see what happens!!
Anonymous said…
just checking ur blog for new stuff. wished i were w/ u guys. daddy
Lori said…
That is so funny! It's good to know that you liked the movie. It got terrible reviews, so I wasn't sure if I wanted to see it.

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