That's where else we went on Saturday. Just me and my boy (and a friend). Ashley was at Winter Camp. That's probably a good thing, because I'm sure she would have been extremely bored--unless you count checking out the hot guys in uniform ;)

He spent the majority of the time fiddling with the guns. He was amazed that they are actually real!

This is one of the guys explaining something to Carlos about the equipment. They were so friendly--all of them.
As we were leaving, he tells me, "I wish I could be big already so I can have that job (the boat with the guns)." Yeah ... uh, mama's in no hurry for you to grow up and put your life on the line for our country. But at least that's better than his other choice--he's fixated on being a fighter pilot. He'll probably end up being neither (I don't know of many people who chose their profession at the tender young age of seven), but it makes my heart go pitter patter anyway. The sacrifices that the men and women of our Armed Forces make (as well as the sacrifices of their families--HELLO!) amazes me. I thank God for them because I don't have it in me to do that.
Another serendipitous discovery was this Coast Guard Open House. It was the coolest thing. Apparently they do this every year (so you know where we'll be on the first Saturday in March for the next several years!). We got to go all the way to the top of this lighthouse (the light was fascinating, and the view was really neat).

While we were waiting in line to go in the lighthouse, Carlos saw this and it immediately attracted his attention. "I wanna go see that, Mommy." So we did. It is an actual Coast Guard boat with guns. He was in heaven, I think :)

He spent the majority of the time fiddling with the guns. He was amazed that they are actually real!

Of course, he had to push every button on the control panel, lol! Just look at the expression on his face. He's really concentrating.

This was how happy he was after getting off the boat with guns. He went on another boat and two helicopters.

This is one of the guys explaining something to Carlos about the equipment. They were so friendly--all of them.

As we were leaving, he tells me, "I wish I could be big already so I can have that job (the boat with the guns)." Yeah ... uh, mama's in no hurry for you to grow up and put your life on the line for our country. But at least that's better than his other choice--he's fixated on being a fighter pilot. He'll probably end up being neither (I don't know of many people who chose their profession at the tender young age of seven), but it makes my heart go pitter patter anyway. The sacrifices that the men and women of our Armed Forces make (as well as the sacrifices of their families--HELLO!) amazes me. I thank God for them because I don't have it in me to do that.
I also am thankful for the military and the sacrifices they and their families make. I don't think I could do it either.