In case you're confused about the title, it's because we went exploring new territory like Lewis and Clark (only somehow I don't think our exploration will make the front page, lol!).
We went back to my latest favorite hangout on Monday ... and we had company!! My sister-in-law, her aunt, and a bunch of my nieces and nephews came along for the fun. That was sooo cool!! My sister-in-law overheard one of the kids ask (as they exited the car), "What are we going to do here, anyway?"
We went back to my latest favorite hangout on Monday ... and we had company!! My sister-in-law, her aunt, and a bunch of my nieces and nephews came along for the fun. That was sooo cool!! My sister-in-law overheard one of the kids ask (as they exited the car), "What are we going to do here, anyway?"
They asked again later, and my sister-in-law very simply replied, "We're going to have a picnic." Here's a picture of us enjoying our picnic soon after we arrived.
As soon as they finished eating, one by one they scampered off into the tall weeds to explore and discover. You could hear their laughter and conversation, but you couldn't see them :) I, of course, couldn't resist the urge to snap a "few" (emphasis on few) photos, so this is them scampering about and exploring the wide open spaces.
This is a nice group shot of them under one of the few shade trees :). It was my niece's idea--she's quite the photographer! Secretly, I hope she takes photography in high school so she can give me several tips!
Then I wanted to take one of the three girls.
After they had fun running through the tall weeds, we took a path that leads to a beach down below. Along the way, my niece spotted a butterfly and tried to catch it. How cute is that?! And her brother tried to hide among the weeds (he was "camouflaging himself."). And Carlos had to follow suit. It was so funny :)
We had a blast exploring the tide pools. We found sea snails, a bunch of sea anemones, and some hermit crabs. It was fun to gently put our fingers close to the sea anemone's mouth and feel it's tentacles tickle our skin.
This is the last picture you'll be subjected to (lol!) in this post. The only way to leave the beach was to climb up a bunch of rocks. This is a picture of how we climbed up.
I'm so glad they enjoyed themselves. It was so fun to watch them and experience their delight over such a simple afternoon. I'd love to go back with them sometime. What a great way to start our Easter break.
It is truly an amazing place, just magical. And several times per year they have docents that will give you a tour of the tidepools. I'd love to do that with the kids sometime.