I'm so excited! I read Donna's blog and got some serious inspiration today. God's timing is so perfect. In our family devotions this week, we've been focusing on 1 Corinthians 13--specifically "love is long suffering and kind." Something we are working on around here. So perplexing to me how I can be so polite and pleasant to virtual strangers and friends, but it's so much harder with those I live with. And Donna gave an amazing example of kindness on her blog today, so I'm going to read her post for the kids tomorrow during our devotional time. Talk about a random act of kindness. Then I want to make a tally chart (for kindness and patience) and the kids and I--I know, hard to believe that I need to work on those areas--not! ;) We'll get to put a tally mark on it when we are patient and/0r kind to someone. It will be on the honor system. It's just a way to help us to remember during the day to work at it so that at some point it will become more of a habit. Soooo, thank you, Donna! God used you today!
Today was a full day. The workers put in our patio door ... sooooooooo excited to have this door!!! The pictures look much less than impressive b/c I didn't take time to play around with them in Photoshop (CSI: Miami is on so I'm glued to the T.V, plus I have a huge load of laundry to fold still). I'm so thrilled to have this door that, good pic or not, I have to share. Like I said, we've never done anything like this before, so every little thing excites me beyond belief :-D They worked on it all day, having to break out a rather large section of the wall, take out a window and door, and move our electrical outlet and porch light. And as you can tell, they have to finish tomorrow. This is the view from the inside: This is the view from the outside: It was strange to have them in my house. But apparently, in deference to my "feminine ears," they decided to refrain from using their Spanish cuss words. That was nice :) Plus our washer is on the blink (has bee...