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Hi! Welcome to my life!

Well, the Blogger "bug" has finally bitten, lol! Some of my friends have blogs (Hi Teena, Donna, and Ronalyn!) and I enjoy reading theirs, so I decided to bite the bullet and create my own. Feels good to have a space to write and it gets to be "all about me!"--Yeah! Nothing like being self-absorbed, huh?! Seriously, though, I get so much out of reading other people's blogs--so much inspiration and joy, and I feel so blessed that they share pieces of themselves with little ol' me (and the rest of the world, lol!). I just want to spread the joy as it were. I'm sure God will somehow use my blog to bless others and enrich their lives as so many have blessed mine.

Gosh, what to say??? There's so much. I guess for right now, just an overview of my life. I am married and have a daughter who's twelve (going on seventeen, lol!), and a son who's six. I have to say I'm really glad for the age difference because part of what I enjoy about them are their differences--Carlos' innocence and Ashley-trying out her wings in this great big world, to quote Bob Carlisle. I love to see the depth that's coming out in her personality, the talents that are sprouting, and I love wondering how God is going to use them for His glory. I am totally enjoying the last vestiges of Carlos' innocence--believing in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, etc. I love seeing the world through his innocent eyes.

I am also a Christian saved by God's amazing grace. He has proven Himself to me over and over and over again in so many wonderful, mind-boggling ways, and I'm sure I'll share here as He continues to work in amazing ways in my life.

As my description states, I'm totally ADDICTED to digital scrapbooking. Someday soon I"m going to do a layout on why ('cause people ask all the time), and when I do it I'll post it here. I also still paper scrap ... uh ... yeah, I still paper scrap ... a couple of times a year. I wish I did it more, but it's so much easier (and neater) on the computer.

When I really started getting into digital scrapbooking (last summer), I began to browse through galleries of digital scrapbooking, and the photos blew my mind. It was then that I understood that the photos can make or break a layout. If the photo is phenomenal, the layout will most likely be excellent; but if the photo is so-so, the layout will just lack that "je ne sais quoi" (are you with me, Donna??!!) that makes it stand out. So, I have taken an interest in photography since last summer as well. It has become a passion. The older my kids get, the more it hits me that I want to remember each stage--the silly things as well as the annoying things. And I want my photos to capture the moment, to tell a story, to evoke the feelings I was feeling (or my subject was feeling) when I took the photo--so that years from now I don't forget.

Quilting. Funny how that became a hobby. Because anyone who knows me knows that I am SOOOO not detail-oriented (as in I can go over my good friend's house and he could have moved all the furniture around in the living room, I could sit down, have a conversation, and not realize--until it's pointed out--that everything has been moved around!--totally true, I promise!), and in quilting you have to pay attention to details. So far I have quilted two sets of placemats and am currently quilting a third set of placemats now (but they're for my sister--no, don't think "lucky her" till they're finished :) . I'm totally self-taught, but I"m almost finished and I'm almost certain "she will like." When I'm finished with that, I will begin making a quilt for Ashley's bed. She wants it "Hawaiian." But she's twelve, so we'll see what Hawaiian means to her--I think she means more "tropical." She is helping me pick out fabrics, and we have already found a pattern we like.

Well, if you've made it this far ... congrats! I didn't mean for it to be so long. And THANKS for reading it! God bless you! That's all for now, folks!


DonnaG said…
HI Carmela:

Great blog. Welcome to the cyber mike where you can speak out all you want and generally, people always listen (read). You always have interesting stuff to say in person so I can not wait to see what you write about. And, being a digital scrapper you will love doing this.

Loved the je ne sais quoi. I totally got it.

Love ya, Donna
tjep said…
Yeah! Welcome to cyber-journaling!
I love your blog! You have a knack for writing!

What is that ja-no say kwa?

I look forward to reading more, Carm!

Love, Teena
Lori said…
Hi Carmela. I found your blog through Donna's, and I'm excited to read about your life. I too am going to start digital scrapbooking soon. I have not paper scrapped in almost 2 years. So sad, considering my kids are so little and I'm taking tons of pictures. I totally agree with you about the pictures. I need a better camera, but I'm lucky that my dad takes a lot of pictures of my kids. He does a fantastic job.

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