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"Work" ... Photography ... Scattered

Sitting here so tired ... I haven't even started back to work yet, but getting everything together to look for a job is like having a job--lots of running around. Tomorrow I go to my alma mater (caps?) to get my transcripts from one of the THREE schools I need them from. That will take all morning; plus I have to get my books for the class I'll be attending two weekends. It will feel SOOOO weird to be back in school. I just realized today that I'll need a notebook or a binder. What a dork, huh?, showing up for class with only my books??!! Seriously, I am soooo done with the whole school thing.

... unless, of course, it would be a photography class or graphic arts class--but they don't count toward renewing my credential. Bummer.

One more "tidbit" I should share with you. Seriously, I am in SOOOO over my head (shhhh!), but I'm also excited. I have been given the opportunity to take a whole slew of photos for my brother-in-law's dental offices, photos which they will use in a marketing campaign. The part I'm fine with (even though I've never done it before, I know I can do it) is taking individual portraits of the employees and a couple of group photos. The part that makes me VERY nervous is taking photos of the operatories (that's apparently the name for the room you sit in to be treated) and some equipment. I have no clue how to get studio lighting and set it up to get good shots. And there is no possible way to get decent shots without some form of studio lighting.

So obviously I've been praying about it (Lord, help me!! Lord, give me some ideas. Lord, rescue me.), and much to my surprise He opened heaven's doors and poured out more blessing than I would have believed ... in the form of Dave Peeters. It's not for sure yet, but I think they will have no problem with him helping. I am so tickled pink!!! I've been in awe since Sunday when he mentioned that he would be willing to help me. It has taken a HUGE burden off my shoulders, and the best part is that I will learn A TON about photography (notice that the egocentric part of me is more excited that I will learn a lot about photography and I could care less that my brother-in-law will have EXCELLENT photos for his marketing stuff. Actually that's not true. I'm very glad for that ... but I'm still MORE glad that I will learn a lot.). So the past couple of days have been spent ironing out the details and visiting the clinics to determine how I'll take my portion of the photos.

On the home front, I'm starting to feel really scattered again ... like I did when I was working. It's so hard to maintain a schedule (not to mention maintain a home) when you spend so many hours away from it. I was feeling like a bad mom today when it was 2:00 and I had no idea what we were having for dinner or when I would have time to go grocery shopping and I hadn't even given the laundry a thought and I was in desperate need of a nap (which never happened, by the way). I usually plan the meals every week and faithfully go grocery shopping every week so we don't run out of stuff. Then I felt like a worse mom when I was honestly too tired to listen to Carlos read the Bible before bed, so all we did was recite Psalm 23. *sigh*

I can tell it's going to take a few months (or eternity) to figure out how to balance work and home life again. I've been spoiled for three years, so now I'm whining. At least this time Ashley and Carlos are older and they can help out more.

The next time I post I'll put some vacation photos up.

Ta ta for now :)


tjep said…
Wow! How exciting about taking photos for your Bro-in-law! And even more exciting that Dave Peeters is going to help!

I will be praying that you find your job!

We are way overdo for breakfast together! So much to share!
Dave Peeters said…
Glad that I can help, I am sure that I will learn something too, I always do with each challenging situation - Dave

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