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Lots of Little Stuff

On my mind right now:

  • nervous about going to class tomorrow and Sunday

  • (I'm so old now that I will look like one of those "old hags" I used to see in my classes and wonder what on earth they're still doing in school when they're old already (hmm... what comes around goes around, huh?! I would have been much better off repenting for those judgmental thoughts, lol!)

  • What do people bring to class nowadays? Do they bring their laptops and take notes on that? Do they still use notebooks? (I'm bringing both so I have both options covered.)

  • Are we going to have homework?

  • Is it going to be a B-O-R-I-N-G lecture-type format, or is it going to be hands-on? (It's a class about integrating technology in the classroom.)

  • Will people be dressed casual or will they be dressed up? (I'm going casual 'cause that's the kind of gal I am.)

  • Mostly, why am I obsessing so much about this? Normally I could care less. I'm not there to meet people--just to pass the class.

  • Missing my Ashley who is full-on into teenager-hood, and "chases" me out of her room anytime I want to go in there to chat with her for a few minutes

  • After I've chatted with her for like one minute: "Great. You can go now." "Thanks. You can leave now." "Okay, I'm busy now doing my teenie bopper things" (not true about the "teenie bopper" part--she doesn't say it; I just think it ;)

  • LOVING the fact that Carlos enjoys spending time with me ("Mommy, will you play with me?" "Mommy, I want to play with you."--music to my ears)

  • Excited (and nervous!) about starting the photgraphy assignment on Monday. I will be doing it every morning next week.

  • Stressing about how I'm going to balance work and home when I get a job

  • Frustrated that I took such a l-o-n-g break from paper scrapping that it takes me hours to get a page done (not to mention I don't even know how to use certain products, like distressing ink, chalk, etc.). I guess I really am a digi scrapper at heart, but I refuse to give up paper scrapping. It can be very satisfying in a different way.

  • EXTREMELY excited because my shows are starting:

  • CSI (all of them!)

  • Criminal Minds

  • Beach Patrol

and a new cooking show I like on Planet Green called Emeril Green (I'm a huge Emeril fan).

Oh, and I designed a cover for my notebook :) Here it is: I used a free "brush" (a digital stamp) from the internet. The quote says, "Art is abstraction [NO idea what that means!], it's the way to rise up toward God by doing what our divine Master does: create."

Happy Weekend, y'all!


DonnaG said…
I am so glad that you are bloggin'. Your thoughts mirror mine so many times. Have fun in class today. Just remember not to pass notes, not to text message your classmate and for goodness sake, please, do not IM them if you use your laptop.

Be the teacher's pet.

Senora GIsbert
tjep said…
I hope things go well in your class. I don't what class you're taking but I know you will be fine. Enjoy each moment!

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