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Hi? Anyone there?! :)

Okay. Sorry about the THREE MONTH hiatus from blogging. Don't know what came over me. I really don't know.

This post is soooo hard. Like I've been away so long, and there's waaaay too much to catch up on, so where do I begin? Well, enough rambling.

We had our first "real" (a.k.a. "airplane") vacation in six years. And we made the most of it:

  • visited Carlito's relatives in Houston, TX (sorry, Samantha, Abilene was too far)
  • drove to New Orleans (O my gosh, I LOVED it!!)
  • flew to New York City (love to visit, but could ncver live there)
  • took the train to Washington, D.C. to visit my brother and sister-in-law and my ADORABLE two-year-old niece!!
  • day tripped it to Philadelphia, PA
  • flew home

... all in 12 days! Whew! No wonder I needed a week of naps when we got back--I'm with you on naps, Teena! We had a total blast. I'm still scrapping DAY ONE, though. Hmmm. Maybe I'll be done by next summer :)

... and I'm currently in the process of getting all the paperwork together that I will need to sub again. God has been WAY too easy on me. There are mountains of paperwork (because I let my credential lapse ... by three weeks ... I know--what a dork), but God has made the rough path smooth, and everything is going better than it should be right now. If all continues like this, I should be submitting the application packs by the middle to the end of next month, and should have turned in the necessary paperwork to renew my credential by the end of October, which will open the door for any teaching opportunities that come up (but I don't want to teach until Carlos starts middle school. Ashley will have graduated from high school back then, and Carlos will be much more independent (read: won't want to hang out with me!)).

Truly, I cannot handle the load of full-time teaching and be a good mom as well. Not with Carlos as young as he is. And being the primary chauffeur for Ashley and all her activities.

So, that's all I can manage for today.


DonnaG said…
Yippppeeee do dah you are back. Whooo hoooo par-tay time.
tjep said…
Hey Carm,

I simply love road trips! Driving in the car to whatever destination is one of my favorite things to do! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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