I had a great day yesterday. Not because the food was great (it was.). Not because the event itself was spectacular (it wasn't out of the ordinary in any way.).
I had the best time just hanging out with my in-laws as I helped to prepare the meal. I went to my sister-in-law's house around 10:00 to help prepare the food. It is truly so humbling to spend time with them. When I spend any significant amount of time with them, it is always a wake-up call for me that I still really have so much to learn about what it means to be a family. My brain literally turns into a sponge and I start to notice all the little things (which I'm sure they take for granted) that bind them together as a family. I love watching them interact with each other.
My sister-in-law has five kids ranging in age from 20 to 11. When I arrived, the entire family was in the kitchen helping to prepare the meal. There was no arguing--no whining or complaining. They knew what was expected, they knew their way around a kitchen, and they were just simply doing what needed to be done. If one needed help, someone would immediately come to their aid. It was truly so neat to watch.
This is a picture of the cooking stage--look how they enjoy helping each other:

This is the matriarch of the family. She is the glue that holds this family together. When I grow up, I want to be like her :)

This is my brother-in-law and my niece hamming it up for the camera :)

This is how Ashley and my niece spent the majority of the time while we were in the kitchen--they got bored after about two hours:

See how sweet my niece is? She noticed that Carlos needed a little help, and she just stepped right in.

This is a picture of us at the dining room table:

Just enjoying watching T.V.

Those photos remind me of home:) I grew up that way.. this time of the year, my mom, aunts, uncles, would prep for thanksgiving.. and it was always a feast! Everyone had their own duty and everyone just jumped in. I remember just walking in to roll up lumpias..or cutting the veggies for the pancit:)
Very nice, nostalgic photos, makes me long for home :)
I love the pool:) that looked like so much fun :)
HAPPY (LATE) THANKSGIVING.. But we should always be thankful, :) take care my friend.