Today was your general run-of-the-mill day, except that I didn't really have dinner planned. So I was late preparing dinner, which means we had to eat after gymnastics (as in 7:00 p.m.), which is really late for us (because then bedtime gets delayed, and then Mommy gets very cranky!).

I never played that game as a kid; it's really fun to take on another identity, lol! I was a police officer who owned a beach house (that is an actual dream of mine someday--the beach house part, that is.). I drove a red car. I got $10,000 for inventing a new ice cream flavor, and I wrote the Great American Novel.
So, I'm rushing to prepare dinner amidst the "I'm hungry" commentaries from Carlos every few minutes (tack on more pressure and guilt every time), and Carlito calls--he's actually coming home early (as in before 8:30 p.m.)! So, we will all get to eat together as a family (which actually hardly ever happens on weekdays)!
So my lack of planning worked out well (for once, lol!). And it got even better--he brings home this AMAZING chocolate cake from a co-worker. These cakes are seriously to die for. So incredibly moist and creamy. He bought him one last year as well.
This is the fancy packaging (apparently this is some famous bakery near Beverly Hills):

This is what the cake looked like before we dug in:

This is what a piece looked like:

Then, because the kids didn't have school on Wednesday, we played

Then, after putting the kiddies down, my very sweet husband decided to stay up (in spite of how tired he was), so we could watch a movie together. What did we watch? The Fugitive, with Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones. I LOVE that movie!
So the day started out ordinary, and ended very sweet and cozy :)
I liked playing the game of Life too! We don't play as much anymore. Garrett always wanted to get as many babies as he could! He loved it when he landed on the Twin Girls or Twin Boys!!!