I bought this scrapbooking magazine several days ago, and was inspired by one of the pages. It's a Thanksgiving book created by this mom and her kids. They took pictures of things they are thankful for and created a book. This soooo reminds me of my teaching days :)
This must be the mom's book:
This is the child's book:
We spent an hour or so creating our own Thanksgiving book this afternoon. It was so much fun!
Here's Carlos' version so far (yes, he glued the kitchen picture upside down!):
and here's mine (yes, that's a typo):
Ashley was in bed before I had a chance to ask to take a picture of hers, so I'll post hers tomorrow.
AND ... I'm way-over-the-top excited about this:
I actually know who this adorable little girl is! I actually know the face of this girl on the cover. No, I sooo don't know them personally--not even close. I happened upon her mommy's blog and we just had this amazing connection. Her mommy's an amazing scrapper and photographer. But I'm just so excited that the cover means something to me! I can't imagine how I would feel to see one of my kids on an actual magazine cover!! And as if that wasn't enough, two of her other photos appear on other pages, and she gives a little photography tip on page 66, and her name actually appears in print! Isn't that cool?!
We went to my in-laws this evening for a while (an improptu visit), and I was so blessed. I had to run to a bookstore (which is where I bought said magazine), and three of the kids (including my bookworm Ashley) wanted to to with me. I had the best time with them :) It was so cute to hear their childlike banter in the car. On the way back they had an informal "Trivial Pursuit" session--middle school level. And they were asking some hard questions! I was secretly very proud of myself that I was able to keep up--somewhat! ;)
Some of the questions:
What's the capital of ... ? (that was a very popular question--I forgot most of my states and capitals decades ago, lol!) By the way, Samantha, one of the states was "Oklahoma!" I thought of you :) And yes, in the far recesses of my mind, I remembered that the capital is Oklahoma City. So we can still be friends, okay?!
What three things are atoms made of? (they didn't say "things;" they used the correct terminology, but I forgot, lol!)
Who is our vice-president?
Who is the mayor of Los Angeles?
What is he known for?
... and more science questions that I can't actually remember right now--in my defense I woke up at 4:30 a.m. to take my parents to the airport and wasn't able to work in a nap--so that's my excuse :-D
Happy Thanksgiving, Carm!