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Time Will Tell

It's always so "wow" to me when I'm going about my business as usual, and "out of the blue" God answers a prayer. I think He's answering my prayer. Time will tell.

I've been praying for quite a while about what to do about employment. I want to find a job that I can do only during the day when the kids are at school--I still need to be available to take them to school and pick them up because sometimes my husband needs to go to work early. I have thought about various jobs (subbing, tutoring, doing something with technology 'cause I'm good with computers, finding a business I could do at home that doesn't require much training, etc.), but child care is usually an issue and for the life of me I can't figure out what I could do from home. I'm soooo not business-oriented.

It is so important to me to be there for my kids on a regular basis. I enjoy taking them to school. I enjoy being the one who gets to pick them up from school (except that Ashley usually walks with a friend now). I really like to be the first one to hear about their day--you know, "plain, ordinary" stuff like that. I like to be home to make them a special snack sometimes. And I would need (and want) to be available for them on all their days off, including summer.

So, a few weeks ago, a friend asks me if I would tutor her child in reading. I seriously became so excited--teaching reading was one of my favorite times of the day ... and I was really good at it--so good at it that my literacy coach wanted me to allow her to send other teachers to observe me teaching reading. I really took it for granted at the time (and I certainly wasn't the only one she asked), but she has reinforced it to me several times since I "quit" teaching.

So I start to get really enthused about it, and I remember that when I first started staying home three years ago (has it really been that long??!!), I wanted to do this very thing: tutor elementary-age kids (who are being homeschooled--that way I would be available for my kids in the afternoon) in reading and math. I even made flyers and brochures describing my qualifications and credential, and took a couple of other steps to get this little business going. But I hit a very minor roadblock and did not pursue this idea.

So, like I said, a friend asked me to tutor her child. I've been doing it for three weeks. I ordered books from the reading company, and today as I was walking with Carlos to our car after picking him up from school, one of my former parents asks me if I would consider tutoring the younger sibling of one of my former students. I really want to do it, but it will be after school. So I'm really working on finding a way to do it (maybe at the library ... my kids could do homework there those days).

So ... two requests in three weeks ... maybe this is God's way of showing me the path I'm supposed to be on. Maybe my next step is to connect to some homeschooling groups and ask permission to post my information--and then wait to see what comes along ... or not! :)

Isn't it funny how we pray and pray for something, and then when it looks like God is answering our prayers, we are in awe.
He-LLOOO! What else did I expect?!


tjep said…
Wow!...I agree...Wow!

You have such an abundance of knowledge and insight on teaching kids! I'll need to talk to you in person about this!

Praise God!
DonnaG said…
Carmela I know first hand that this is to be your gig. You are awesome at it. What a wonderful time of marveling at how God makes his plan known to you!
DonnaG said…

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