So as I mentioned several posts ago, we are having some much needed work done around our house--first the termite tenting, then a block wall so we can finally enjoy some privacy in our backyard :), and next they are going to paint the exterior. So today they're sandblasting to prep for painting. Believe me when I say a paint job is l-o-n-g overdue.
So here are some pics:
Prepping for sandblasting. I'm going to be trapped in my house for about an hour. I guess that gives me more time to blog, huh? ;)
This is our new block wall. Very boring, definitely not my first choice in a fence, but because all the neighbors around us put in block wall fences, it was just the most logical solution to keep a uniform look. I'm soooo happy to have it. You can't put a price on privacy.
When they finished putting up the block wall, they also put cement in front of it, and one of the men let Ashley and Carlos put their handprint, names and date in the cement. I'm soooo excited about that. I wanted to do it so badly when I was a kid, and it was fun to see the kids getting so excited about it (plus I got to fulfill a childhood dream through them--that's what kids are for, right?!).
My husband also had them remove two sheds from our very small backyard, but now between the junk from the sheds that we have yet to toss, and all their construction paraphernelia, our backyard looks like a war zone. Wanna see??!!
Oh, and did I mention I'm hosting for the Bunco group I belong to ... yes, all this, and more, is supposed to be done by October 19th when I host it :-D
And this is a picture of our driveway. Yes, that's mostly our junk that's filling up the huge dumpster. Hopefully it will be removed today. I'm sure our neighbors will be greatly relieved to see this eyesore removed from our property ;)
All in all, I'm so excited to get this work done. This is a dream that I thought would take years to come to fruition. None of the process bothers me: all the noise, the dust, the workers that are at our house every day, the Spanish cuss words I am hearing on a fairly regular basis. I am in heaven, thanking God for providing for us so we can do this.