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"Cool" Lunch

I usually make Ashley take her lunch three days out of the week (she "gets" to buy on the other two days, even though she doesn't actually eat the food--part of the whole "fit in with the crowd" issue). I was having a SERIOUSLY hard time getting her to bring her lunch, and it occurred to me one day that if she took "fancier" sandwiches, she might not fight it so much. So ... I started making Chicken Salad and getting various toppings (she likes the jars of roasted peppers, pepperoncinis, alfalfa sprouts, tomato, etc.) as well as buying bolillos or other fancier sandwich breads.

That went over well. It went over so well that her friends would ask for a taste, and rave about how yummy the sandwich was. They were actually jealous of Ashley's lunch (yeah! now she won't be the "geek" who brings her lunch; she'll be the girl who brings cool lunches--mission accomplished and then some!).

One of her friends I know rather well, because she very faithfully volunteered in my classroom for two years twice a week--giving up play time during her lunch, mind you. So she tells Ashley one day, "Your mom should make me one sometime for all the times I volunteered in her classroom. Just kidding." Ashley told me, and I thought, "Yeah, that's right. I should." So I did. Again this year she's asking for it. So the other day I made three sandwiches (one for Ashley, one for my ex-student volunteer, and one for Ashley's other best friend). As I was preparing the salad the night before, I got the idea to wrap them all fancy and put name tags on each of the sandwiches. This is what they looked like. Oh, and I had to make the little breads because I didn't have any on hand and I wasn't going to the store just to get bread.

Apparently, they raved about them again--so easy to please kids who are used to gross cafeteria food :) They also liked the name tags so much that they want me to print them each a page of labels so they can use them. Is that cute, or what??!!

I wish I could make a ton of sandwiches in the morning and sell them at school during lunch. I'm 100% certain that any lunch I would make would be waaaay healthier than what the school feeds them. How do I know?? I saw those lunches on a regular basis. That's why Ashley brings her lunch most of the time. I'm certain they wouldn't allow individual vendors on school property to sell lunches, though.

Because that went over so well, I told her that next week we'll make cucumber sandwiches (a way to get her to eat some hidden veggies, lol!) and a fancier chicken salad. Now I have to come up with some cool "sides" she can take. I'm so glad that she's not fighting bringing her lunch as much any more.


Debbie said…
You are the coolest mom EVER!!! Great idea Carmela - you put such love into the things you touch when it comes to your family and friends!
tjep said…
You are too creative! Paula Deen, the southern cooking lady, started out selling lunches! Maybe you'll be the Lady And Daughter! (Paula Deen owns a restaurant called Lady And Sons):)
MLasch said…
Very cool! Can you make me one?
Run-alyn said…
What a cool idea!!!

And yes.. my oldest in the 7th grade wants to be over the school lunch thing.. but he says the lines seem to long to buy lunch and he's afraid he won't have enough time. So I do pack his lunch.. but you have a great idea!!!!
DonnaG said…
That is so neat that you did that. I remember one time when I was a kid my mom wrote a note for one of my friends and sent it with me to give to her at lunch. She cried she was so excited. I love your sandwich blessing to those girls. You are the best mom ever. And for a cool side, I say pesto salad or if she likes the peppers, then add them to some shredded mozzerella and and slice of a baguette. Maybe a small chocolate truffle too!
DonnaG said…
The next thing you know, you will be sending caffeine free cappuccinos in a thermos for her!

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