Hmmm ... how do I explain "Camp GonnaWannaFly?" I'll give you the short version. I have had clutter issues my whole life, and I have really struggled to get a handle on the clutter and disorganization. A year and a half ago, a "mentor mom" at my mom's group just happened to mention in passing about a website that helps ... flylady. I looked at the website, joined, and have had good seasons and not-so-good seasons (but that's better than before where there were no good seasons!). Since the end of April however, something clicked and I've really gotten serious about following the program.
One of the things they suggest is having a week-long "camp" with your kids during the summer. During the camp you have fun activities interspersed with chores that need to be done around the house. You can make it as elaborate or simple as you want. And you make the chores as fun as possible. For example, we "decluttered" the backyard by doing a scavenger hunt (find five pieces of trash and throw them away, etc.). We cleaned the back patio by having a water fight with the hose--SO fun, let me tell you!. We also have card games, other activities, fun meals and snacks, and crafts all interspersed between the chores (Don't even ask how many hours I spent planning our week, LOL!) Now you should have a general idea. We're going to continue like this until Friday. Every day the kids get one fun outing. Today was swimming with their cousins (in their little pool, but I fit, too!). This was our first day, and the kids had a lot of fun. Our craft was painting plain, white T-shirts--no, I had no clue what I was doing, but it worked out okay :) ! We'll finish them during craft time on Friday. Maybe I'll post some pics. Ashley had serious misgivings about this "camp" (she "detests"--I mean that in a teenager way--Flylady or anything associated with her), but by about 10:00 this morning, she was like, "Can we do this next week, too?" SCORE! I'm so glad they're enjoying it, too! And it feels good to get so much accomplished.
Here are two of my favorite layouts. I did them a few months ago. Hope you enjoy! Credits here and here.
One of the things they suggest is having a week-long "camp" with your kids during the summer. During the camp you have fun activities interspersed with chores that need to be done around the house. You can make it as elaborate or simple as you want. And you make the chores as fun as possible. For example, we "decluttered" the backyard by doing a scavenger hunt (find five pieces of trash and throw them away, etc.). We cleaned the back patio by having a water fight with the hose--SO fun, let me tell you!. We also have card games, other activities, fun meals and snacks, and crafts all interspersed between the chores (Don't even ask how many hours I spent planning our week, LOL!) Now you should have a general idea. We're going to continue like this until Friday. Every day the kids get one fun outing. Today was swimming with their cousins (in their little pool, but I fit, too!). This was our first day, and the kids had a lot of fun. Our craft was painting plain, white T-shirts--no, I had no clue what I was doing, but it worked out okay :) ! We'll finish them during craft time on Friday. Maybe I'll post some pics. Ashley had serious misgivings about this "camp" (she "detests"--I mean that in a teenager way--Flylady or anything associated with her), but by about 10:00 this morning, she was like, "Can we do this next week, too?" SCORE! I'm so glad they're enjoying it, too! And it feels good to get so much accomplished.
Here are two of my favorite layouts. I did them a few months ago. Hope you enjoy! Credits here and here.
The camp is a super thing. I am gonna figure something out like that. I will let you know what I come up with.
The camp is a super thing. I am gonna figure something out like that. I will let you know what I come up with.