- start with an icebreaker (which I usually DETEST, but she has some really fun ones),
- enjoy a nice, casual brunch as we chat and catch up on each other's lives,
- have a speaker (this time it was on phonemic awareness--different than phonics), and
- sometimes do a craft. SOOO fun!
So relaxing. Our theme this year is "Precious Jewels," taken from Proverbs 31:10, to remind us that we are precious jewels! I like it!
Tomorrow morning, Ashley and I will head to San Diego to spend some "girl time" together. We will begin our weekend with a "high tea" at the CobblestonexCottagexTeaxShoppe, do some scrapbooking at the hotel, swim at their jacuzzi, attend church on Sunday morning, and finish off our weekend at Sea World (we have passes till the end of this year). At least that's what I have planned. Of course, we can change our minds at any time! If she really pushes the shopping, I'll force myself to take her to this mall close to the hotel for a couple of hours. I guess it can't be all about me, huh? (lol!)
So I'll probably post on Monday to give you a quick recap (and hopefully some pics!) For now, these are some pics from our weekend last year:
Her first Build-A-Bear:
At the Tea Shoppe (they have all kinds of elegant dress-up clothes you can put on):

Have a wonderful weekend!