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Happy Anniversary to Us!

Yes, it's our 8-year anniversary. Only eight years, but so much has happened along the way. So many ups and downs. So much getting used to being married. Learning what it means to be "one flesh"--still don't know a lot about that one, but I know God will continue to show us what that means.

I'm so grateful that we're both 150% committed to this relationship. Both of us will do whatever it takes to make it work and slowly improve things.

So grateful that my children have a dad who loves them deeply, who really is their protector, their "safe place to fall." Feels so deeply satisfying to know that my kids feel so secure and safe with him. No words need to be spoken. They just know, way down deep, that Daddy will always be there for them.

So grateful to have a husband who steps up to the plate in so many other ways. For me personally, for our family, for his family (his 3 sisters and their families), and for my family. Who is so generous in offering to assist in any number of ways, doesn't think twice about the sacrifice he's making, and truly expects nothing in return. And shrugs off "thank yous" as if they're completely unnecessary.

We celebrated on Sunday with a date to downtown (my request--because I've lived in L.A. for almost twenty years and I think it's about time I learned something about downtown). He knows a lot about downtown, so I told him to pretend I'm one of the Filipino tourists he takes around, lol :) He showed me a couple of sights (I can't actually tell you what--one of them was the Angel's Flight that's supposed to re-open sometime this year), and as we were walking, I noticed the Bonaventure. I've never been there, but I've heard so much about it. So I'm like, "Oh, is that the Bonaventure. I've never been there. Can we go inside so I can see it?" He's all, "Sure." Wow, the lobby is so huge and impressive. Then he says, "Let's go up so you can see the restaurant." Sounds good to me. We went, and it turns out he had reservations for us. I played right into his hands (nothing new, though!). I was so in awe. Talk about fancy, shmancy. But it didn't rotate (they were doing maintenance work). So we both agreed he has to take me back there someday :)

And tonight I have a romantic dinner planned (I've never actually made this dish, but it sounds simple enough--I know, bad move). It's called "osso bucco" which means "hole in the bone". It's veal shank that's fancied up with some kind of sauce. I wish I could take pictures of it to share, but you can read about that at the end of the next post. And we'll also have risotto (except of course he'll just want plain rice) and asparagus.

This is a "random" photo I found on the internet just to give you a general idea. But you have to click here to see it. Ignore the risotto. Mine will be different (more traditional).

Now I'm off to start this dinner. It will take about two hours. Ta ta for now!


DonnaG said…
Osso Bucco is osoooooo good. Lenny's mom made it for me way back when he and I first started dating. I was a little tentative at first to try as she had previously served headcheese and cow's tongue. Congrats on the going the long haul. Many happy more years to you both!
tjep said…
Happy Anniversary to you! You are both very special and I enjoy seeing you in church!

For the Osso mean you're not going to make a pot of rice? :)

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