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We went camping at the MalibuXRVXPark yesterday and today. We were there for the first time last August and we LOVED it. It was my first time camping in a tent. They have RV set-ups (of course, lol!) and a tent area. Every site (almost) has an ocean view. My favorite part is that you can hear the ocean waves at night when you go to sleep. Oh, and there are no bugs really--except ants, but they didn't visit us this year :) Oh, and the bathrooms (with showers) are super clean 24/7. They also have a rec room, a game room, and a jacuzzi. Yeah, camping at its best! And did I mention, it's right off of PCH, so you can also go to the beach?!

So we went yesterday and came back today. It was so adorable to see Carlos with my husband. He is at the age where he totally idolizes his Daddy, and wants to be just like him when he grows up. And he wants to help him do everything. So while Carlito was setting up the tent, he very eagerly exclaims, "I want to help you, Daddy." So Daddy very obligingly gave him a simple task, and Carlos busied himself with accomplishing it. And he kept exclaiming at each stage of setting the tent up, "Wow, Daddy, how do you do that?" So sweet. Words can't express the feelings that come over me when I hear stuff like that.

It was a lot of work for just a 24-hour camping getaway, but it was totally worth it.

Oh, and Donna, just as an FYI, this seems to be a popular spot for French tourists. There were some in the campground next to us last year, and we met a French guy this time (he was "borrowing" our campground to take a shot of the sunset with his fancy, shmancy camera). But, unfortunately, like most French people, he was very private, and after a few minutes of superficial conversation, he very politely excused himself. Darn, I wanted to talk the rest of the night. I wanted him to bring his family over so we could chat until bedtime. Oh well.

These are some pictures I took last year when we were there.

This is Carlito relaxing after setting up the tent.

This is Ashley showing off our ocean view.

This is Carlos looking at me with a worried expression because he thought he would get in trouble for burying his stuffed dragon in the dirt (frankly, I was just happy he was quietly entertaining himself while I set up the camp).

And this shows us playing pool in the rec room.


tjep said…
How fun! I heard some rave reviews about that place! We'll have to check it out someday!
Run-alyn said…
Oh wow.. this look like so much fun!! I'm glad you had some fun!!!!

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