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Total R & R!

I'm baaaack! I so missed blogging after the kids have gone to bed, lol! But I had CSI and the CourtTV channel to keep me company. "Did you enjoy your vacation?" you ask. Why, how polite of you! Yes, we totally enjoyed ourselves. I love that both of us agree that a vacation is for R & R. Neither one of us is the type to "make the most of each day" and squeeze in as many activities, etc. as possible so you come back more tired than when you left. In fact, we went back to the hotel on Monday afternoon, ate lunch, and my husband took a nap, the kids watched a little TV, and I forget what I did. Then we went back to Sea World in the evening.

We left early Sunday morning to beat the traffic and we made it in just over an hour. We were actually at Sea World 40 minutes before it opens! We were the second car to get in the park. Cool, huh?!

We did a bunch of stuff (won't bore you with the details); my favorite part of that day was when the kids fed and pet the dolphins. Of course, I fed one too, and pet several.

My cousin and sister-in-law came, too (just happened to work out that way), and they arrived later with six kids (3 are theirs, 3 are our niece and nephews). So we hung out together the rest of the day. That was so fun for the kids. I'll post pics of the first day later.
Yes, I did take a f e w pictures ... as in 450. I know, I just can't control myself when I'm behind the camera. No, that doesn't count the ones I deleted becasue they just didn't turn out right. I usually delete as I go, or it gets overwhelming.

Well, let me share some pics that I have downloaded.

Sea World Day 2:

One of the highlights was that we got to "Dine with Shamu." It was very cool! We were literally just feet away from "Orchid," Shamu's first baby, and we got to interact with the trainers and ask questions. One of the trainers put on a "mini" show. These are some of the photos we got. I like the first picture because you can tell how close we are to the killer whale.

We also took a quick snapshot of the four of us. This is it:

Of course we had to see the Shamu show again (we also saw it the first day) because I didn't get a good shot of "Shamu." This time I got much better shots:

There's so much more, but that's all the pictures it allows me for this post. I hope to "steal" some minutes tomorrow evening to post some more!


tjep said…
Welcome back!!! I know the feeling of being tired after vacation, but it's a good tired! The pic of the four of you is a beautiful picture! I like the color of the grass, the plants around you!

Dining with Shamu? That sounds real interesting, I've never heard of that. It's been awhile since we've been there!

Glad you're back!
tjep said…
By the way, I posted pics of my messy room!!!
Debbie said…
Great family photo! You will have scrapbooking this vacation!
Lori said…
Love the pictures (and the new "do" too). We went to San Diego and Sea World last September, and I was amazed at the Shamu show. It's quite an experience. I'm so jealous that you were able to dine with him (or her?)

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