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My "Not-So-Green" Thumb!

Thanks to my new best friend, Round-Up, who I discovered via my Mom's group this past Spring, I began gardening a bit this year. And roughly half the plants have survived! Yeah me! That's up from my average of last year, lol.

My new best friend Round-Up--I have a lot of inanimate friends; I'm sure you'll learn more about them as time goes on :) Anyway, my friend Round-Up helped me kill a small grassy area in our backyard and the TONS of ivy from our back wall. And I have three very small garden plots now. So I wanted to share--because this is a huge accomplishment for me :)

This is a picture of the four tomato plants I planted around mid-March. We have actually been enjoying the "fruits" of this crop for a few weeks already. Yes, those are dead areas you see amongst the lush foliage, but I asked Ashley to water them yesterday, so I think they'll survive, lol.

Next to the tomato plants, we have planted six corn plants (hopefully they all survive!), three basil plants (mmm... I can already smell the pesto!), and three cucumber plants. That's what this picture shows. Yes, I know the corn plants look very sickly. We bought them like this yesterday. I think there's still hope for them, don't you??!!

This last picture shows my very humble"cutting garden." You see, our kitchen table soooo needs to be replaced, but I don't really want to. The table top is a complete disgrace (water spots and damage cover it), so I have to keep a tablecloth on it all the time. Then I got in the habit over the past few years of cutting our flowers (hydrangeas and roses, mostly) and making little bouquets for our table. But I'm way too cheap to buy bouquets from the grocery store to keep flowers on our table on a regular basis, so I planted zinnias, dahlias, and foxglove. They should make nice bouquets, I think.

I'm excited, but we'll see how long these little gardens last! For me, the easy part is digging and planting. It's the watering that gets me every time, lol! Time will tell if I'm "maturing" as a gardener or not :)


tjep said…
Ok, Farmer Carmela! I'm gonna expect a good, fresh lunch the next time I go there! LOL! Good job on the plants! I love the flowers...don't forget to save some hydrangeas for me!
Lori said…
I love to garden too. It's so relaxing actually for pull weeds while the kids are playing in the backyard. I love foxgloves. They will make a beautiful bouquet.
Run-alyn said…
I think you are doing better than me!! I don't have a green thumb at all!!!

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