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Showing posts from July, 2007

One of my favorite places to be

I'm working on a layout from our San Diego vacation--our last day when we went to the beach, but I haven't finished it yet, so I thought I'd share one from last Christmas when my sister and her family were out here. I blurred some faces cause I don't have permission to post their pictures (and it's a little late now to get their permission, lol!). This is one of my all-time favorite layouts. The design works so well with the photos. There's a lot of journaling, but I'm just too lazy to write it. Going to the beach in the winter has such a different feel to it. I enjoy it. Credits: Template from MissKim (blog freebie). I really like the fact that you can use multiple photos; purple paper (recolored) from Iron Orchid Designs; Hand Stamped Alpha by Michelle Coleman at; brush that I used to make the vertical design is from MissM "Doodle" brush set ; sand is just a photo I took that day; Font: AnotherHand, Jane Austen
I think I mentioned a few weeks ago (Did I??) that we are working on kindness in our family. So a couple of days ago, Carlos asked me if we could make a "giant cookie." I remembered seeing pizza-sized cookies, so I told him we would make one. We were going to make it yesterday and the Lord prompted me to make one for each of the neighbors on each side of us. Well, this is a real stretch for me because I am not the "friendliest" of people. I wave to my neighbors when I see them, but I don't extend myself to make small talk, etc. So I had to reach back in the recesses of my mind to when Sheri spoke to us in Sunday School about being friendly and showing kindness in our neighborhoods. Making the giant cookie was a little stressful (cause I'd never done it before), packaging it was more stressful (I don't know how to make stuff look cute and presentable), but delivering it was Mega stressful. I was SO nervous ... and about what?? I mean, I'm just...

Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory

Did you know that we live about a mile away from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory? I tell you, we've lived here for five years now, and I didn't notice it until my very observant son pointed it out to me as we were driving past it this morning ;) Before you think I've gone off the deep end ... allow me to explain! "Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory" is actually a very run down oil refinery about a mile from our house. It's not currently in operation (and hasn't been for years). We were returning home after dropping Ashley off at her Drama Camp this morning, and as we passed the refinery, he points to it and asks, "Is that Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory?" And who was I to burst his little bubble, I ask. So like the responsible, loving mother I am, I said, "Wow! I think you're right! I never noticed that before." And he went on and on about how it functions, including the fact that the huge vats for oil are where they stor...

Sweet or Sour?

You know that game you play (or rather, that kids play)? They wave to total strangers and if they wave back, they're "sweet," but if they don't wave back, they're considered "sour?" I was driving this afternoon to pick Ashley up from Drama Camp (it's a day camp), and I was a little stressed out (insert ... not in the best of moods) . Then I see hands from the car in front of me wildly gesturing out the windows periodically. I immediately went into my "hypercritical mode:" "Don't they know that's dangerous?" "Don't they know they could get an arm cut off?" "How irresponsible!" "Why are they gesturing so wildly, anyway?" And all of this with a frown on my face (as I said ... not in the best of moods) . As I continued to watch, it dawned on me that they were playing "Sweet or Sour." And it truly was funny to see the expression on people's faces (the ones on the street,...

God's Answer to my Prayer Life

My Mom's group made a Prayer Journal last year as a craft, and it was exactly what I needed to jumpstart and organize my prayer life (so I'm not so overwhelmed praying for every need every day). I absolutely love my prayer journal. But it is starting to fall apart, and basically because "prayer needs" change on a fairly regular basis, I needed to just make a new one. Then the Lord prompted me to make one for Ashley as well. She was delighted (much to my delight!). So I made hers today, and I am so excited that I wanted to share it. This is her very own personalized cover (thanks to a ShabbyPrincess freebie and Photoshop Elements!). (Sorry, I have no idea how to rotate the photo for you!) This is the back cover. It has her favorite Scripture (Psalm 91). She was very concerned that you wouldn't be able to read it, but I assured her that once you found out it was Psalm 91 you would all rush to get your Bibles and read it right away :) (Isn't she too sweet??!!)...

Digi Scrappin'

I got the itch to scrapbook last night, and between last night and today, I've finished two layouts from our vacation. You've already seen these pictures, but I wanted to show the layout I created with them. Credits: background paper from Shabby Princess "Splendid" collection. Orange circles were "cut out" from the paper and darkened. Font: Footnote Light And this is when we were waiting in line to get on the rafting ride. I entertained myself during the l-o-n-g 45 minute wait by taking pictures :) Credits: background paper is a cream-colored paper (I don't remember whose) and I added the map photo, enlarged it and seriously altered it colorwise. The alpha for "Shipwreck Rapids" I created from a picture of a sign I took near the ride. Journaling stamp--Jubilant Kit from DigitalDesignEssentials . and the frames are from Katie Pertiet (Vintage Photo Frames 2) at DesignerDigitals . Font is Catchup Thin.

Total R & R!

I'm baaaack! I so missed blogging after the kids have gone to bed, lol! But I had CSI and the CourtTV channel to keep me company. "Did you enjoy your vacation?" you ask. Why, how polite of you! Yes, we totally enjoyed ourselves. I love that both of us agree that a vacation is for R & R. Neither one of us is the type to "make the most of each day" and squeeze in as many activities, etc. as possible so you come back more tired than when you left. In fact, we went back to the hotel on Monday afternoon, ate lunch, and my husband took a nap, the kids watched a little TV, and I forget what I did. Then we went back to Sea World in the evening. We left early Sunday morning to beat the traffic and we made it in just over an hour. We were actually at Sea World 40 minutes before it opens! We were the second car to get in the park. Cool, huh?! We did a bunch of stuff (won't bore you with the details); my favorite part of that day was when the kids fed and pet th...

Do You Like ... ?

Obviously we got our hair cut today! (You don't have to pretend you like it if you don't!). I have been going crazy for the past several weeks with my long hair. When I'm home I just put it up all the time. So I thought the best solution would be to chop it off! I'll let it grow again in the winter. Looks kind of sassy, doesn't it?! That's all. I won't be able to post again until we get back (I know I'm going to have blogging withdrawls!) . I should have a ton of pictures for you (I know you're all excited about that, lol--NOT!) . So have a lovely week. I'll miss you guys (I guess that should be "gals", huh?) at church. Catch ya later! I'm off to enjoy having a family to have fun with--well, actually I'm going to bed; then I'll have fun with my family!).

The Quilt

Here is what the quilt looks like when it's basted, for those few of you who are more interested in the quilt progress rather than my messy house ... ahem! :) This is the front: (that white part is the batting. I'll cut it off after I finish quilting the whole thing.) And this is the back: Not very impressive, huh? And I actually realize now that the yellow flowery border fabric doesn't match the other fabrics at all, but we'll just overlook that because I'm just a beginner, won't we?? The blue is the backing fabric (frankly I like that side much better. The picture doesn't actually do it justice.) .

(Some of) You Asked For It ... You Got It!

Funny how you're more interested in seeing my messy house than my quilt, but, being the kind-hearted, generous person that I am, I decided to oblige you :) Lucky you. This is my contribution to you feeling less guilt. This is my living room this morning. This is my kitchen this morning (after my husband very kindly rinsed the dishes and stacked them next to the sink last night). This is my craft table. Do you ladies feel better now?! Well, I'm sorry, I just couldn't leave it at that. So after Ashley and I picked up everything, I took some "after" photos just to redeem myself ... because I have been working very hard the past few months at not having a messy house (and I'm so excited because I'm actually at the point now where I can't tolerate it messy for more than 24 hours. Yeah me!) . So these are the "After" photos: of my living room: my kitchen: and not the craft area 'cause I haven't actually cleaned that up yet. And I may not ...

A Glimpse of "Teenager Land"

This was what I saw when I walked into Ashley's room this afternoon. Does it get any more "Teenager-ish?!" Chatting on the cell phone (that's my cell phone) , perusing a magazine, and listening to her new CD. Well, even though she's twelve and a half, I think I can safely say we have officially arrived at the teenage years. Frankly I was taken aback. What happened to the cute, cuddly little five-year-old who used to play dress up, get into her mommy's make-up, and sing kid church songs in her cute little pixy voice? She's gone forever, replaced by this big girl who knows a whole lot more about the world than I did at her age. But she's also way more comfortable in her skin than I was at that age (or even a few years ago, lol!) . It is so fun to watch her grow up!

Whew! It's Done!

I was desperate to baste the "Quilt Sandwich" (all three layers) together today, so I can get to the fun part of hand quilting (actually, I'm assuming it's fun--this will be my first time quilting by hand) . SIX hours later (yes, six !) , the twin quilt was basted. And the problem is--once you start you can't stop until you're done. Ashley took pity on me, sweet girl, and after a couple of hours, she's like, "I want to help." So I showed her and she helped me for a long time. So, because I've done nothing but quilt for six hours, my house is officially a mess ... laundry hasn't even been started, the kitchen looks like a disaster area, and the living room needs to be decluttered. And it's 10:00 at night. I'm so tired! As I'm looking around at the mess, I'm actually astounded how out of control one small house can get in just a few short hours. I mean, how does this happen??!! I would show you a picture, but it doesn't ...

Vacation ... All I Ever Wanted ... etc.

I'm getting soooooo excited! We're going to San Diego this Sunday through Wednesday, and I can't wait! We haven't been on a family vacation (aside from camping in Malibu last August) for three years. The last time we also went to San Diego. We have reserved a suite ( totally wanted a suite--otherwise you just twiddle your thumbs after the kids go to bed: BOOOORING!) . A suite with a kitchenette, so we can save money. We'll eat breakfast and dinner at the suite, and have lunch wherever it's convenient. Lest you feel sorry for me that poor li'l ol' me has to cook on her vacation--never fear! I would never do that to myself, LOL! I cooked double tonight and will cook double tomorrow night--except that tomorrow the crock pot will cook dinner for me :) I will freeze everything, and thaw it as we need it on the trip. We WILL have to cook rice--I am married to a Filipino, and he needs his rice fix on a daily basis :), but that's no big deal at all ... it...

Yet More Proof That My Baby's Not a Baby :(

Yes, I'm afraid Carlos lost his other top tooth today. So I'm sharing this sad moment with you. He's just growing up too fast. But ... I'm not sad enough to want to have another baby, lol!

A Rare Moment Captured on Film

No, it's not a rare moment that my kids brush their teeth (well, it would be if left up to them!). I walked into the bathroom tonight to see both my kids in the bathroom brushing their teeth ... and this is the rare moment--they actually got along! I had to run and get my camera to document this rare moment of parental bliss. And now I'm sharing it with you. Now isn't your day more complete?!

So Grateful

Every now and again it hits me how absolutely blessed I am, and I'm just kind of overwhelmed. These are just some of the things I'm so grateful for--not necessarily in this order :) food on the table at every meal a supportive husband kids who love me unconditionally and who bring me so much joy a washer and dryer so I don't have to look all over the place for quarters (and worry about leaving my laundry in the dryer overnight). an a/c unit (even if it's just a wall unit) a reliable car with air conditioning (that's a HUGE one!) God and my salvation (probably should have been first on the list ... oops!) a home (tiny as it is, I don't even care--I'm just so grateful we have one) women friends who like me just the way I am and who bring me such a sense of satisfaction and of being understood (you know who you are ... and thank you!) belonging to a church family our camera ( love having a camera! What would life be without one??) our computer (an...

Just a Very Simple Layout

I don't really have anything to post today, so I'll just show you my latest layout. Journaling reads: "Just a quick snapshot of you two as we were waiting in line to ride "Jurassic Park" at Universal Studios." Credits here. Oh, and Ronalyn, can you tell I am in love with the overlays! Didn't take me long to buy them and use one, lol! Thanks for the info!

Sun, Fun, and Water!

We had an amazing opportunity to go to Universal Studios today almost for free (via my husband's job). Every year the staff has a staff meeting/social outing. This year they went to Universal Studios, but they had two extra tickets. So, my sweet husband mentions to the management when he found out on Friday that maybe he could bring the kids (these outings have always been "staff only" because they are trying to create "bonding" between the employees). No one objected. So I just had to pay for myself. We had a blast! We rarely go there. My favorite ride by far was Jurassic Park, and my favorite show was ... Waterworld. Ashley was somewhat bored (hanging out with us old folks!) until her cousins showed up ... and brought a little excitement to her day ... --they were trying to get each other wet :) I always enjoy seeing my husband holding hands and walking with our kids. So sweet. And the best part is, they bought 2-day tickets, so we get to go back and do it ag...

Yeah! Progress!

I got very lucky today. Hubby had a birthday party to attend (of a co-worker), Carlos took a nap, and Ashley put herself down for a nap. So I had a good two and a half hours of non-stop, uninterrupted quilting time. Yeah me! I also worked on it for a couple of hours before they took their nap (nice having older kids who can entertain themselves/each other!). Here's where the quilt stands now. I still have to put two borders around this piece before I can prepare to quilt it. It doesn't look nearly as Hawaiian as I wanted it to, but I'll just chock that up to lack of experience and make the curtains very Hawaiian, lol! Here's a close-up. The fabric that looks blue is actually a mint green. That's just a stray thread that I need to cut. I did make up for "neglecting" the kids for a couple of hours by taking them to McDonald's for dinner and making them ice cream sandwiches with homemade chocolate chip cookies for dessert. It was fun trying out my bran...

A God Breeze :)

Just a quick little "pick-me-up" from God. Today God reminded me of something He told me last year. I was making quilted placemats (again, so excited during the "creating process"), and I was noticing that no one was quite as excited about my placemats as I was. They could get excited, but not as excited as me--because they were my creation, birthed by me. Very understandable, but as I was pondering that, God showed me that that is exactly how He feels about each one of us. He is so excited about us--our unique personalities and quirks, His plans for each of us, how He plans to use our personalities to minister and witness to others, etc.--that no one else (including us!) can possibly be as excited about us as He is. He is amazingly excited about each of us simply because we are His creation, uniquely crafted by Him. Kinda cool, huh? I just felt so special when He revealed that to me (and again today when He reminded me). Yeah for us! :)

"In Quilting Heaven"

I have been a "bad blogger" because I've been frantically quilting since Wednesday. I finished my sister's placemats and matching napkins on Thursday, and as I was eagerly finishing the last few stitches, I suddenly felt a slight depression coming on ... and a slight panic ("What am I going to do when this project is finished?? Oh, no!" ). So Ashley and I went out and bought all the fabric for her Hawaiian quilt she wants. And I did all the prep (won't bore you with the details), and cut the fabric yesterday (including making another trip to the fabric store for more fabric (oops!) and thread), and this morning I started piecing a bunch of fabrics together. And I'm in the "I'm-so-excited-I-don't-want-to-do-anything-until-I-finish" stage. This is where I am now. I just need to make about 40 more "mini blocks", sew the mini blocks in groups of four, then sew the groups of four together. Piece of cake-- not :) The fabr...

My "Not-So-Green" Thumb!

Thanks to my new best friend, Round-Up , who I discovered via my Mom's group this past Spring, I began gardening a bit this year. And roughly half the plants have survived! Yeah me! That's up from my average of last year, lol. My new best friend Round-Up--I have a lot of inanimate friends; I'm sure you'll learn more about them as time goes on :) Anyway, my friend Round-Up helped me kill a small grassy area in our backyard and the TONS of ivy from our back wall. And I have three very small garden plots now. So I wanted to share--because this is a huge accomplishment for me :) This is a picture of the four tomato plants I planted around mid-March. We have actually been enjoying the "fruits" of this crop for a few weeks already. Yes, those are dead areas you see amongst the lush foliage, but I asked Ashley to water them yesterday, so I think they'll survive, lol. Next to the tomato plants, we have planted six corn plants (hopefully they all survive!), three...

Dinner Last Night

Ashley and I cook dinner together most of the time during the summer--I know, how fun, huh?!. However, one night per week she is in charge of planning the menu, making a grocery list, and cooking the meal. If she prepares it all by herself (which she usually does), then she is "released" from kitchen duty after dinner. Because she (as I do) despises cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, she works very hard at preparing the meal herself :) This is one of her favorite creations (and Carlos gets very excited when he sees this dinner on his plate, lol!). She got it from a kids' cookbook. Just thought I'd share. Doesn't it look appetizing??!! (for a kid, I mean!). I always ask for my hot dog and goldfish crackers "on the side." Just thought I'd share. I wish I'd taken a picture of the expression on Carlos' face when he saw his plate! Happy Fourth of July!

A "Sewing Machine" sort of day

Last week we had a lot of fun and did a lot of cleaning, and this weekend was busy (as all weekends seem to be!); so today, I determined that aside from the regular chores I would spend some "me" time at the sewing machine. It took me about two hours to create this simple pincushion (it would have taken a real seamstress about 1/2 hour, probably, lol!). I really like it. I used scraps of fabric, and had lots of fun. I also have completed two of the eight placemats my sister "commissioned" me to make. Just thought I'd show you what they look like. This is the front: and this is the back: As you can tell (especially from the back!), they are rather "amateur-ish," but I don't think she'll mind. Once she puts plates on, you won't be able to tell that much that the stitching is not straight. Of course, the most important factor is not that she likes them--it's that I am having fun making them :) Ta ta for now. Off to finish the dishes so the...

What I'm Enjoying About My Kids

(See how much they love each other? They get along like this 24/7. Isn't that wonderful? And if you believe that , I've got a bridge in the desert to sell you!) Now onto my post: I am very much enjoying having my kids home this summer. Just some snippets of what I'm enjoying most about them this summer: Carlos still gets such a big thrill from the little things ... blowing bubbles in the backyard, eating a popsicle, drawing with sidewalk chalk, doing his math activity book (I know--strange, but he totally loves math!) , etc. Ashley has the wonderful ability to plan our social life (which I'm horrible at because I'm a home-body: I love being home!). So ... yeah me ... less work for me! NO HOMEWORK!! No rushing around in the morning to get them ready for school on time! Because they have no homework, we get to do activities together, like play frisbee at the park across the street, swim (and both my kids know how to swim, so that means I get to swim, too!), play b...