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Freedom--Happy Birthday, America!
I am very humbled and full of admiration when I think of all that our founding fathers and patriots went through to earn our independence--incredible stories of sacrifice, hardship, perseverance against all odds, and most of all, astonishing leadership qualities.

I find it hard to understand how people can know American history and NOT see God in it.  We could never have become a country without God's miraculous intervention.  Above all, the fact that France was willing to help--when there was nothing concrete in it for them except minimizing England's colonization (and therefore, power) is proof enough for me that God used his mighty power to create this (originally) God-centered country.  All of our forefathers had a strong faith in God, and recognized God's mighty intervention in their daily lives.  Just read some of their writings.

I'm scared that we're going to lose what makes us special because an extremely large segment of the population takes the goodness of America for granted.  In spite of all of our weaknesses as a country, America is still a very good place to live.  I do worry that we may not be able to say that twenty or thirty years from now.

I was very excited in church yesterday because my pastor related our political freedom to our spiritual freedom--that because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, we get to experience freedom in our walk with the Lord.  I do feel like I can look back and recognize many of the chains that bound me, and little by little over the years, He has set me free from so many of them.  I do feel much more free on the inside, and I have a joy that I could not have had if I had not let Him remove the chains.

I think that's a good point, too.  Satan is so crafty at trying to keep us bound.  And so often I fight the removal of those chains.  It has been really hard to let God remove the chains that He wanted to remove.  I was so scared to let go of what I knew, what I was comfortable with.  Sometimes it took everything in me to let go, and just let God.  BUT, I can assure you, that I have NEVER, not for one millisecond, regretted the loss of those chains.  On the contrary, with the removal of each chain, I feel a levity in my spirit that I had not experienced before.  There is a peace and a joy that accompany that levity.  :)


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