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Spiritual Snippet of the Day

My One-Year Bible reading today included I Kings 18--one of my FAVORITE chapters in the entire Bible!!  No matter how many times I read it, each time I am struck anew by how powerfully God's omnipotence is displayed in this chapter.  

I am struck by one of the minor characters as well--Obadiah.  He was so scared to tell King Ahab that he had seen Elijah because he was sure he would be killed.  Likely this had happened to several people already over the course of the three years of drought.  In spite of his fear, he obeyed, and his life was spared.  

I had to make a phone call today to follow up on something that God might be doing in my life--an unanticipated change of course.  I was so scared to make the phone call.  I delayed, using every excuse I could think of (except housework--I hate housework).  Finally, I felt compelled to make the call, so I did it in fear and trepidation.   I was not able to speak with the person, so I will call back on Monday.  How could I be so afraid to make a simple phone call when Obadiah was in fear for his life?  In comparison, my task was completely non-threatening.  I see myself as such a spiritual wimp sometimes.  I only obey because I'm scared to miss out on God's blessings if I don't obey.

I am struck by the fact that this incredibly evil king actually obeyed Elijah when he was told to bring the eight hundred idolatrous priests to Mt. Carmel.  The king had been searching for Elijah relentlessly and unceasingly for three years with one goal in mind--to kill Elijah.  As soon as he saw Elijah, you would think he would give the orders to kill Elijah on the spot.  Instead, he converses with him, and obeys his order to gather all of the priests of Baal and Asherah on Mt. Carmel.  Fascinating, the amazing power of our God.  It is a comfort to me that my enemies cannot prevail over me unless God allows it--and God will ALWAYS have my back.  He protected Elijah against all odds and he will protect us against all odds as well.  This is a perfect demonstration of Isaiah 54:17--"No weapon formed against you shall prosper."  God still had work for Elijah to do, so nothing that Ahab or Jezebel could do would snuff out his life until God was ready for Elijah to die.  The same holds true for us!  No one can destroy us until God decides that our work here on earth is done.

We serve a good Daddy, who loves us just the way we are, and will always take care of us.

God bless you!  :)


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