One of the admirable qualities that so strikes me about this author is his ability to methodically teach bravery in a very practical way. I so appreciate that. Personally, his points of view reassure me that I'm on the right track--I just need to practice more.
Want to be braver? Here are his main requirements for being brave:
Want to be braver? Here are his main requirements for being brave:
- Force yourself to push past your fears and do what you need to do. Just force yourself.
- Keep putting yourself in a position where you are required to push past that fear.
- Sometimes, start small and work your way up to bigger challenges.
- Practice overcoming your fears--over and over and over and over. Thousands of times.
- Visualize yourself succeeding.
See? Any one of us can do this! It's not some complicated formula or something that requires herculean strength (well, maybe herculean strength of character--but that will come in time!).
He also points out that bravery definitely builds confidence ... and who doesn't want more of that?!?! :)
He closes the chapter with a sobering, extremely true analysis of America. We, as a nation, have become way too comfortable, way too "soft" (as he puts it). We are quickly becoming unprepared as a nation to deal with adversity. We balk at the slightest discomfort. I have thought that for a while now. I'm scared that if our nation has to deal with a serious disaster (like America did during the Depression), we--individually and collectively, will fall apart. If that happens, we will have to take a crash course in bravery.
I pray (literally) that this book will spark a movement that will drive this point home to Americans. So many more Americans need to understand this in order for us to become braver as a nation.
In closing, I have two Christian lyric videos for you to listen to in your quest to master bravery. I hope they encourage you. :)
Ta Ta!