Sorry I haven't blogged for a while. I've been knee deep in gardening and PTA stuff. I LOVE being back at "MY" school as a volunteer :) In a way, it kind of feels like home. It was a big part of my life for six years, and it feels good to have a "place" on that campus and "belong" again.
And gardening ... we haven't done ANY landscaping to the backyard (and very little in the front yard) for the entire six years we've been here. BUT ... this year I decided I would like to have a decent view to look at, so I've been very busy planning a garden. It's still in the very beginning stages, but here are a "few" pictures to give you an idea. So far I've only taken pictures of the backyard.
The part of the backyard I'm by far the proudest of is my "Herb Garden." I planned it and constructed it myself (well, Carlos helped me, too). Isn't it cute?! And Ashley and I have "stolen" herbs already :)
We also have tomato plants (5)--two grape tomato plants, two roma tomatoes (for sauce), and one regular tomato (for sandwiches, salads, etc.). See the flowers?! Three tomatoes on the way!!
This is my clever idea for hiding our VERY UGLY block wall. A beautiful Morning Glory vine should cover the entire wall by midsummer. One year when I was growing up we planted Morning Glories by our front porch. I LOVED them, and so I'm really looking forward to enjoying them again.
The kids each got to pick one plant that they want this year. Ashley picked strawberries. We planted them on Sunday, and look ... we already have an almost-ripe berry!!
And, we have two corn plants. I plan to plant more later.
And, in all my spare time (lol!), I've made some time to finish the front of a wallhanging. I still have to buy the batting and backing fabric, quilt it, and bind it, but so far so good. This is what it looks like so far.
I love your quilt hanging too!
just reading and catching up on you :)