I went to a lovely Women's Retreat with my very sweet sister-in-law this past weekend. I always look forward to this retreat, and this year I decided I want to make a mini album of what the retreat means to me. So most of my free time (in between catching up on laundry and housework :)) has been spent creating these pages that I thought I'd share with you. I'm really excited about this album because I'm going to create it all digitally and attempt to create my very own "real" book, with real book binding materials and scrapbook paper. So here are some of the pages I've made so far:

And check it out: I get to go on another Women's Retreat with a bunch of ladies I used to work with ... this weekend :) I am soooo excited! So I will be really holy when I come back, lol!
Good for you!
After the second retreat, be careful...be steadfast...the devil likes to make a fuss when we come back after a time with God!