... by my daughter.
Yesterday we went to gymnastics, and as I was watching her, I noticed she did one of the moves a little bit sloppy (a keyword in gymnastics is "tight"!). Her intructor pointed it out in a humorous way (not making fun of her--just pointing it out). Ashley just smiled ('cause she knew it was a little sloppy) and agreed while listening to her instructor give her tips on how to do it next time.
All of a sudden it dawned on me the HUGE difference between us at that age. I had the self-confidence of an amoeba at that age, and if someone had told me that something needed a little correcting, I would have curled up in a mental fetal position for days (literally), beating myself up over something so insignificant.
I truly am amazed by so many things about her:
- her strong sense of self at such a young age
- her ability to know her strengths and weaknesses (a large part of them, anyway) as well as her likes and dislikes
- her strong moral character
- her extremely bubbly personality
- her ability to light up a room
- her ability to truly connect to and care deeply about people in her life (I sooo had no clue how to do that at her age)
- that she can play like a six-year-old one minute and verbally spar with me like an adult the next minute
- her ability to know when people are treating her appropriately and when they're not ... and the ability to decide if a relationship is worth pursuing based on how she's treated (i.e. she doesn't put up with--or hang out with--people who don't treat her well)
- her ability to not let the "bad" parts of life quench her spirit.
- her mind-boggling intelligence
- her strong affinity for the stage (I am soooo the opposite, lol! I worked very hard at being "invisible," which was very hard to do with my "coke bottle" glasses!)
It truly moves me to tears that she's so "together" at such a young age. I deeply appreciate her in ways I can't express.
Same here, I would like Isabella to have many of the same traits as Ashley. If only I could "will" them all to her :)
Enjoy these moments!
! i would love to bee sarah's role model! and uncle chris... i would love love love for isabella to be like me. not to be conceited or anything! but anyways thank you all so much! i love you all family or not!