These are my thoughts on Genesis 1. If you were sitting in front of me in the classroom and we were reading together, this is what I would tell you. :) So sit back, relax, grab a cup of water ... or Gatorade ... or a juice box ... or your Starbucks, and get ready to be fed spiritually! As you read, try to visualize (get a picture in your head) of what God created each day. Imagine what it must have looked like to God--first there was nothing but darkness and water, then, slowly, each day, God could look at the new things He added to creation. That must have been such a great feeling! Try to see it NOT JUST as a cool Bible story, but really try to understand that the AMAZING God we serve is really SO powerful that He could just use His words to make everything appear. So, truly, NOTHING is impossible with God. Think about what you might be going through in YOUR life--some situation that seems almost impossible or truly impossible. God CAN fix i...
I am a mom, a teacher at a Christian school, and a woman who strives to be all that God created me to be. I have several hobbies: I LOVE scrapbooking (especially digital), photography, and quilting.