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Big Dreams

God keeps tapping me on the shoulder, poking me with the same theme--that He has something big and great for me and that I'm holding myself back from His desires for my life.

A few years ago, He began to attempt to express to me that He has great plans for my future.  I doubted, but He kept confirming the message.  He is still doing that today.

I went to a women's conference, and was supposed to miss the last break-out session on Saturday afternoon because I had agreed to pick up a friend from the airport.  His flight was late, so I was able to stay for the last session.  In the last session, the woman began prophesying to each one of us. When she came to me, she took my hands in hers, paused momentarily, and spoke:  "Your destiny has been stolen from you, but you are going to take it back."  She then moved on to the next person.

I sat confused, pondering what this meant.  Very slowly, as I began seeking the Lord, He began to show me how the enemy had been working relentlessly and feverishly for decades to rob me of God's precious destiny for my life.  I then questioned the Lord because Satan did not make those series of foolish, destructive choices--I did.  He then mercifully and lovingly explained to me that, yes, I had made those choices, and I could have chosen not to, BUT that Satan knew my weaknesses and knew how to use them to destroy me.

I also asked him how I was going to "take it back."  He began to show me various things I had done over the years to grow personally and spiritually that would prepare me for the next step in my destiny.

I was astonished, because Satan had worked to ensure that I would miss that session, but God intervened so that I would not because both Satan and God knew that this would be one of those breakthrough moments in my life.  God is so amazing, isn't He?!

However, I still questioned my interpretation of the prophecy.  The next Sunday in church, my pastor mentions from the pulpit something about our destiny being stolen, but we're going to get it back.  I was stunned.  It was almost verbatim what the lady had said a week prior.   Then, a couple of weeks later someone laid hands on me and prayed over me--knowing nothing of this prophecy (actually, I did not tell anyone), and mentioned that the enemy had robbed me of my destiny. Astonishing, huh?  Three times in one month, three separate people who didn't even know each other said the same thing.  Finally, after so many confirmations, I was ready to accept that my destiny had been stolen, but I was in the process of getting it back.

Once in a while, lest I lose sight of the veracity of that prophecy, God reminds me.

  • Last week, my principal mentioned that our theme for this school year is "No Limits" because we tend to limit God. 
  • Last Sunday during the sermon, my pastor again mentioned from the pulpit that God has big plans for us, that we should be dreaming big.  We serve a big God, and as His servants, we can do big things for Him.  We limit our God.  
  • Then I visited a blog that I found randomly online, and this week's post spoke specifically to this issue.  
I believe that through a series of unexpected events, part of that big destiny is somehow being able to speak French on a regular basis through work or some other means.  It is such a passion for me (okay, maybe obsession is the more accurate term!).  Maybe I will be a French teacher, a French tutor, tutor French children in English, maybe there will be some spiritual component--I don't know.  I just sense it.

I also am finally ready to believe that God will bring me a husband someday.  Again, it's nothing that I can say for sure; it's just something that I sense.

Those are two very big dreams that I believe God will fulfill someday.  I have been praying that He would erase any dreams that do not originate with Him, and that He would give me His dreams for my life, so that my plans line up with His plans.  I have to continually pray to die to my flesh, and surrender completely to His will.

 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.

Delight yourself also in the Lord,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

I have another dream that I'm not sure if it's my dream or His dream.  I have had this dream for several years now.  This is it:  When Carlos graduates from high school (in 2019), I would LOVE to spend the summer in Paris teaching English and enjoying French culture (I miss some things SO MUCH!).  Just a few weeks would be SO INCREDIBLE!!  Hopefully, my teaching income would pay the rent, and I could live off of what I make here.  I have no idea how that would work, but I am praying that God would take this dream away if it is not of Him.  I can genuinely say that I have reached a point in my Christian walk where I only want for myself what He wants for me.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.

Has God been tapping you on the shoulder, too?!  Has He told you that He has big dreams for your life?!

I'm really excited, because tomorrow's post will be about an answer to prayer.  :)


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