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Pamper Me Day!

with these:
So, a year or two ago I started a new "tradition" for myself.  I began to allot myself one day per month (while the kids are in school) to do as I wish for the time that they're in school.  If I want to lounge on the sofa and watch TV all day in my pajamas, that's what I do.  If I want to watch a chick flick, I do.  If I want to do a craft or two, I do it.  I get to do whatever my little heart desires for those hours, and I don't do anything that my little heart DOESN'T desire--if I don't feel like answering the phone, I don't. etc.

Obviously, during the summer that doesn't happen.  Today was my FIRST "All About Me" day of the new school year and I have been waiting for 8:00 am Wednesday morning for several days now.  It just gives me a chance to re-charge my batteries and bask in being home alone, doing what I want, when I want.

What did I do, you ask?  Why thank you for asking! ;)  I spent most of the morning watching TV (GMA, the Today Show, Kelly & Michael, & I can't remember what else).  It was great.  I checked my bookmarked french blogs.  I let Jillian Michaels kick my  butt for 25 minutes in my living room (via Amazon Instant Video). 

THEN came the highlight of my day :D

PAMPER ME TIME, using the beauty products in the pic above.

I took a long, leisurely, warm shower while blasting music.  I hot oiled my hair, rubbed my legs with the body scrub, applied body cream all over, and gave myself a facial peel.  I feel like a new woman!  It feels so good to take care of myself and have the God-given luxury of spending time at home alone.

One more minute of "freedom" left, then I have to be a mom again! --homework, dinner, etc.  That's ok.  I'm fully recharged and ready for anything (I think!).

I hope you enjoy the pleasure of finding some time to re-charge your batteries at least once per month (hopefully more!).  :)

P.S.  In case you're wondering why I'm talking about having one more minute of freedom left and you noticed that this post was published after 6:00 p.m., that's easy:  I used the last minutes of my "freedom" to start the post, waited till the light was perfect to take the above picture, then published the post.


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