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Showing posts from February, 2011

Today I enjoyed ...

being a teacher -- HAS to be one of the most fun and rewarding jobs on the planet. :) tea for two -- my friend and I get together every Friday for tea, chatter, and a Bible Study hand quilting -- I know, so tedious, but for some strange reason I enjoy it. It's a nice "brain-dead" activity to do in the evenings when the kids are in bed and I am indeed brain dead. :) playing in Photoshop (I'm trying to find some nice pics to put on my wall in my classroom) encouraging my husband through a difficult couple of days. seeing the new developments with my seedlings. Every day there are small changes.

My babies ;)

Babies require an extraordinary amount of care. I realize that is a complete "duh" statement, but it's been a few years for me, so bear with me. No, I haven't had a baby recently, but I have noticed that growing plants from seed also requires A LOT of care. Wanna see my babies? Thought so :) Even if you didn't want to, I'm so proud of them that I can't help myself. I took these pictures this morning. I have to take them outside so they can enjoy the sunshine every day, and bring them all in at night so they can stay warm. And, of course, I have to check them every three hours and admire them, even though there's actually almost nothing to admire ... yet! This is the whole "kit 'n kaboodle"--my gardening table outside. See them enjoying the sunshine? ;) These are some of my seedlings: I love the shape of the new hollyhock leaf. It's so interesting that each seedling looks so unique. I'm sooooo excited! I can...

Dancing = Great cardio :)

So I very quietly put myself on a "get healthy" plan as of January 1st. 2 goals: eat healthier foods and smaller portions, eliminating/severely reducing snacking between meals exercise My basic philosophy is a Dr. Laura one: "move more, eat less." January goals ("Phase I"): reduce portion size get myself mentally ready to exercise "for real" in February. I was able to do that, so on Feb. 1 I moved on to "Phase II: Just Do It": continue eating smaller portions and greatly reducing snacking between meals. Eat healthy, focusing on fruits and vegetables (especially for snacks) exercise 1/2 hour 3-4 times per week--cardio only (for now) I am soooooo excited--this dancing thing is so fun! The time actually flies! I've never enjoyed exercise so much. Can you believe that twice this week I've begun dancing with the goal of dancing for 30 minutes, and 1 1/2 hours later I had to FORCE MYSELF to stop?!?! Now, I'm...

A Little Gardening

Last Saturday I began the daunting task of preparing the backyard to be beautiful, and these are a few of the little things that made my day: I heard a very faint buzzing noise as I was tending my seedlings and noticed that a bee was beside me, flitting from dandelion to dandelion. It felt good to have quiet company outside, even if it was just a bee :) It was a reminder that there's so much going on around us that we're completely unaware of because we don't take the time to notice. Rather a shame, really. I remembered the feeling of satisfaction that comes from taking care of God's creation as I trained the morning glory vine on the trellis. I envisioned my backyard as it should look next summer when the flowers are in bloom, and that brought a big smile to my face :)


So I have had this vision for a few years now ... it's been my dream to have a cottage garden in our backyard--for several reasons: first, we have a tiny backyard and a tiny house, so cottage style fits our small space. secondly, I have always LOVED the wild, out-of-control, natural look of a cottage garden (maybe we can attribute that to growing up in rural Southern Illinois?!). Also, our entire backyard is visible from our living room and dining room, so I want to look at something beautiful this summer instead of the horrendous view you see here: and, I want to teach Carlos about the process and the benefits of growing herbs and vegetables (I know--I'm such a teacher. I just can't help it). lastly, I want to enjoy cut flowers in our house this summer, but I'm waaaaay too cheap to buy them on a regular basis. I have already made several mistakes and am learning. Here are some pics: Notice any mistakes?! The extreme "legginess" was an issue and almost all of ...

Rediscovering dancing ... so fun!

So I began my own personal weight loss journey on January 1st. I didn't tell anyone, but I gave myself the month of January for the idea to grow on me; I mainly focused on portion control during meals and severely reducing snacking between meals. I must say I did pretty well. I lost a couple of pounds. Now that I've had the month of January to adjust to the concept of a new lifestyle, I plan to step it up in February and incorporate exercise four times per week for about 1/2 hour. Today I started with dancing, and I was sooooo enjoying myself I ended up dancing for over an hour. My YouTube playlist now includes some of my favorites: Todo, todo (Daniela Romo), Achy Breaky Heart, and the Cha Cha Slide. I plan to add more as I find more songs I like to dance to. I especially L-O-V-E salsa and cha cha. I think I'll do dancing twice a week, and maybe bike ride twice per week. So I'm excited!! That's all for today, folks.