I'm LOVING this new year ...
Life seems so "back to normal" right now
Life seems so "back to normal" right now
- no more classes (it's AMAZING how many hours that took up of my life; I learned A TON and I use what I learned all the time at work, but I am soooo glad that's over).
- I have so much more time to dedicate to our home and it feels soooo good to be organized.
When I get home I'll add a pic of our
chore chart and weekly menu. It feels awesome to be on top of things.
- I have so much more time to spend with God (after the kids go to bed), and I got a great idea from Beth Moore (I just started this study)
to journal in the first person every day about what God has shown me that day. I really like it. So many times I've tried to remember things that God has shown me/told me, and I can't remember the details or the time period. This will really help with that. I'm also enjoying reading the one year bible online. I love choosing different versions depending on my mood. Sometimes I even choose French. Keeps it fresh :)
- it feels really good to get back to my crafts--currently quilting (my "girlie" quilt for me), and scrapbooking (paper-scrapping our "cross-country" trip from August 2008).