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A Chick Flic, Music, and the Mundane

So, a few months ago, I happened to see this movie on TV, and it has become one of my favorites--maybe because it combines two loves: romance and food! I also LOVE the soundtrack from the movie (which is r-a-r-e for me), so I downloaded several of the songs. To the right you'll see one of them (Mambo Italiano) ... it's not exactly from the movie, but it's really close.

Very blue-sy. Anyway, thought I'd share. Maybe I'll take it down in a few days and put up another song.

I've been on a serious "download music" binge lately and I can see where it would become addicting if I let it. Gonna have to restrain myself. It's SOOOO easy, though. Just a couple of clicks, and the song is mine. Hard to remember when I'm clicking that each click is $0.99.

What's up with me? B-U-S-Y. That's what. I am working three days this week, plus a couple of hours another day.

Which means I'm overwhelmed ...

  • So behind in housework--as in I haven't done my weekly grocery shopping, so I end up coming home and seeing what I can create from what's available. HATE that. Or the other alternative ... plan dinner as I'm picking up the kids after work, make a quick run to the grocery store for today's needs only, and deal with tomorrow ... well, tomorrow.
  • My fridge seriously needs to be cleaned out.
  • Dining room counter is collecting more clutter by the day.
  • Fighting a losing battle in Carlos' and my bedrooms.
  • Floor needs to be swept and mopped.
  • Guess I'll just consider that I've lost the "grocery" battle for this week, and face the reality that it's Thursday--way too late to make a menu, grocery list, and go shopping in an organized fashion.

Hmmm ... maybe I should STOP BLOGGING and accomplish one of the chores, ya think?! ;) Naah, momentary lapse of sanity, lol!

On a happier note, I have actually managed to successfully grow an indoor plant. It will probably only last a couple more weeks (the blooms will die), but for me, that's a MAJOR accomplishment. Trust me ;)

I'll take a photo on Saturday morning and post it (yeah, I'm going to be very picky and take it only in the morning light). If I do it right it will look very nice. If not--so sad, too bad for all of us!

Oh ... another teensy tidbit ... the photography assignment I had a while back? well, the website will be up in the next week or so. More to come on that when the site is up and running. I will say, it will seem so surreal to see my photos on a website!


Dave Peeters said…
Email me the link to the website, give me a call sometime - dave
tjep said…
Hi Carmela!

Don't worry, don't be too hard on yourself. Just take your home just 15 minutes at a time! How's the new job going? I can't wait to hear all about it!


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