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Showing posts from June, 2017

Phone Wallpaper

I decided to update my phone wallpaper, so I'm sharing it with you.

Our Destiny in Christ

Last summer, God put on my heart to write a Bible study on the book of Nehemiah.  Today, I decided to share just one day's lesson from that Bible study.  I'm still working on it, and I'm only on chapter five, but I will give you a lesson from Nehemiah chapter two. For maximum benefit, please read Nehemiah 2 BEFORE reading my post. DESTINY --that sounds like a serious, intimidating word, doesn’t it?  I don’t know about you, but my mind conjures up grand-scale adventures and awesome, larger-than-life historical figures, such as Alexander the Great, Napoleon, George Washington, Moses, etc.  However, I’m talking about “little ol’ you” and  “little ol’ me.”  Today we are going to ponder the fact that God created you with a specific destiny in mind.  Granted, most likely our destiny will not be forever immortalized in history books, but in God’s eyes our destiny is no less important than anyone else’s.  It’s true.  I hope to drive that point home to you as we continue today

What a Beautiful Name

Just a song today.  I find myself listening to it at least once per day.  So beautiful, and it keeps me focused on God and His greatness.

Seeing Beyond the Mess

I am continually fascinated at the myriad of ways that God teaches and corrects me.  This year He has given me more than the average dose of correction.  My pastor gave an excellent message that touched me and spoke to me in many ways, but there was one sentence that struck me deeply.  Part of his message focused on the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:1-30).  My pastor said that he believed the Samaritan woman “got a bum rap.”   My mind froze at that statement.  I was shocked.  What did he mean, “bum rap?”  How did she get a bum rap?  She deserved her reputation as a promiscuous, immoral, and, shameful woman.  I determined that after church I would seek the Lord and ask Him to give me HIS perspective.   Was my pastor right or was she truly a woman of ill repute who deserved all the judgment and condemnation she has received over the millennia?  During my lunchtime, I prayed for God to reveal His perspective as I re-read the passage over again.  I was reading verses 16-18

Waiting ...

It has been about a year now since I first felt God impressing upon my heart that He is preparing me for more ministry opportunities, something deeper and more scary, opportunities to which I would have never believed He would call me.  Since then, He has confirmed this in several small, but consistent ways.  I am in a waiting period.  I don't feel upset about the wait--on the contrary, I feel satisfied to wait because I'm very scared to come out of my comfort zone.  I am focusing on soaking up as much of Him as possible during my "wilderness period"  until He opens doors for ministry (outside of what I'm already doing). Once in a while I begin to doubt, and I begin to convince myself that He never said that last summer--I am just having delusions of grandeur.  However, He has reminded me just this past couple of weeks that Moses and Joseph had to wait many years before fulfilling their calling.  If you read Exodus 2:11-12 carefully, you will see that God ga


God hasn't really been sharing any amazing revelations with me this week, so I thought I'd share a movie and song review with you. This is a movie that I just happened upon a few months ago.  It is created by a music group called "For King and Country."  The movie is called Priceless and it gives a Christian perspective of human sex trafficking.  Definitely heavy stuff, but also inspiring. And the main song, "Priceless" (also recorded by For King and Country), is beautiful and inspiring, reminding us that we are each PRICELESS in the eyes of our Lord and Savior. Here is the Song (Lyric Video): Here is the movie trailer.  I highly recommend this movie!  EXCEPT--be aware that it is rated PG-13.