Your life may not look like a fairy tale, and it may certainly not FEEL like a fairy tale, but I am going to attempt to prove to you today that your Christian walk parallels a fairy-tale life. 😊 Initially, this may sound almost blasphemous to you, but I am so certain that I received this directly from God. I pray that it encourages you to believe that God is working in your situation whether you see evidence of it or not. He is such a good God, and such a big God. 😊 First, I would like to start with the main points that a speaker made at a Girls Ministries camp that I attended a few weeks ago, which were the springboard for what God revealed to me. • It took a lot of courage for Cinderella to respond to the prince’s invitation to the ball because of how her family made her feel. • It also took a lot of courage for Mary to obey and follow God’s plan for her life. • If we agree to follow Jesus and accept His invitation, and keep our eyes on Him, H...
My Good King
I am a mom, a teacher at a Christian school, and a woman who strives to be all that God created me to be. I have several hobbies: I LOVE scrapbooking (especially digital), photography, and quilting.